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November 04, 2009


Britt Bravo

Just started Marc Lesser's book, Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less, this morning. Have you read it?

Business Plan Writers

I read Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less, this morning. No doubt amazing book.

Thanks for sharing this post! I like each and every word, keep posting the good work.

Abby Jaramillo

Wow, great post! I totally relate so much. Esp that last paragraph of "Phase 3." That is so real and so hard to articulate sometimes.

I worked with a coach, and suddenly realized that now, in Phase 3 as you describe, some parts of my work are still fun and some aren't. So i'm working on delegating away the stuff that isn't fun or inspiring . . . a lot of the day to day operations stuff that just doesn't need ME to do it anymore. I am working up to spending my time only on the stuff that is both fun and visionary, not the stuff someone else could do! It seemed impossible to make the change until . . . now i'm pregnant and my body can't cope. I can barely put in a 6 hour day sometimes!! which is so crazy - it's helping me to go in the right direction, but it's so hard to not be the same person I was. My brain and my body are exhausted and do not have the same capacity! I feel embarrassed or like a failure sometimes, but all of it is a totally crazy but helpful new perspective.

Anyway, thanks for writing this! Keep it coming!

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