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July 13, 2008



Well, she meant Thank You. Hey, where's the picture of that dang cake? Now all you needed was the pic of the REALLY exhausted ones at home....Mom and Dad. What a day!! ~Grandma

Julie Des Jardins

I feel like I had unwittingly done your muckraking Jory--my expose photography of the over-indulgent, fantastical world of American Girl. You'd think I secretly took her to get debauched at one of those sex parties in Eyes Wide Shut. It's amazing what you'll do to make your kid happy--though I have to admit in hindsight the whole thing would have been better if she were 7 or 8. Oh--no rented twins--baby brother was getting his diaper changed when they were handing them out, so we didn't make much of it. (Men who have to go to the bathroom in the American Girl dining room have to go in handicapped, unless they go down to the main level).

Recruiting Animal

Hey you're an identical twin. Aren't you supposed to think like your sister?

I've read accounts of twins who are separated at birth meeting in middle age and not necessarily liking eachother but doing the same quirky things no matter what their upbringing.

PS: I'm a twin too but I'm not like my sister.


Well, it was obviously a very taxing day both physically and emotionally. I'm sure she absolutely loved it.

Rita Arens

Okay, my red-headed girl is not the only one for whom we do ridiculous things involving dolls.


We're still in Build-a-Bear phase, and thank God they do not serve pizza.

Eldest Sister

Hilarious post Jorgia! Now we know why mom only had home birthday parties for us, with no theme. Credit to Juice who really tried to make this an event for Bella to remember. However, how much of our fifth birthdays do we actually recall? Being in my late thirties...not much.

Linda Sherman

Adorable photos. Great to meet you at BlogHer08 Unconference!


Oh that was so cute! Those dolls are like kiddie porn these days, the Build a Bears too!

Great blog!


Great post, she's really adorable. I live in MN and the Mall of America is opening an American Girl store soon. I see lots of similar adventures in my future with my daughters. :)

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