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October 28, 2007



Fascinating/fantastic rubric ... "what is the worst that could happen" and "then what". Reminds me that when we become attached to the outcome we tend to lose the the attraction to the actions we know are necessary to fill the dream.

Thanks for the reminder.


What a wonderful post this was Jor....and how great that you got to see Jerusha again. I can imagine how you both must have felt. What a nice moment for both of you. Ladies Who Launch...sounds right up your alley...what a great time.

Kay Dennison

What an inspiration you are, Jory! You even have this old gal ready to jump in and start something! Is it too late for me?


Just what I needed to hear today. :D

Tina Su

I like what you’re doing with your blog. Keep up the awesome work. Great Post!

Love & Gratitude,
Think Simple. Be Decisive.
~ Productivity, Motivation & Happiness


Heard a Benedictine abbess say something memorable on the teev last week, Jory: "The weak should have nothing to run from, and the strong something to strive for."

That's why you're still in there:-) Great post, as always.

jen_chan, writer SureFireWealth.com

You're right. The entrepreneurial path is hardly an easy one. And based on the snippet about Jerusha and yourself alone, I get the feeling that you've been through a lot and had to cope with losing a lot along the way. Then again, despite your so-called dark days, you moved forward because you were equipped with knowledge that things are not so bad. That someday, you'll be able to go back. And you did! I hope a lot more women get to read this article so they too will understand that failure is only delayed success.


Jory, this was a wonderful post...but I've stopped by for another reason... It's been way too long since I've jumped out of Bloglines to leave you a comment. I've just read your Mom's post about your Dad...and just wanted to say I'm thinking of both of you. Hope you and Jesse have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Yep, making peace with the worst you seeing happening...I've had to do that myself during my current venture...I think it only strengthens your belief in what you've set out to achieve. Some of it has even happened...like having to move to a cheaper place...taking on some other writing work and even a day a week at a bookshop...but finally it's all starting to happen. It's all been worth it and I can't wipe the smile off my face that my business is starting to pay the rent.

Thanks for this post...we ladies can be a bit hard on ourselves sometimes.


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Hi there!

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