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September 03, 2007



For the record, it was Labatts Blue that served as the back up libation for the ex-frat boys.

It was a great wedding, to say the least, and these are some great quotes.

Grandpa's right. You can't buy it. Lovely post :)


whoops, that was me. Sorry, Jory!


I just love Jesse's family Jor....wonderful characters and beautiful souls....every one of them. Great list to go along with what sounds like a great time. ~Mom


And to think... I never knew chipmunks were migratory. You learn something new everyday!

Elizabeth Michel

Great snapshots, Jory, of a wonderful weekend. I'm so glad that you and I had some time together. And you and Jesse were such a great help to Daniel in organizing the rehearsal dinner.

I do have one small quibble: Dad and I had been planning to buy figs, not prunes, when we were rerouted back to the motel to pick up Grandma and Grandpa. We never did buy those figs, but when we got home we found a few sweet ones left on the trees in our garden. Something ate the rest while we were gone, perhaps raccoons or birds. We've never seen any chipmunks migrating through our yard, but maybe Cousin Ethan knows something we don't know.



Arnold Markman

Why would anyone be critical of an "ass-flap?"
How else could one meet one's bodily functions without disrobing completely in the bathroom stall. And with all the controversy about extraneous foot movements in Mens' Room these days, it would be asking for trouble or entrapment.

Social Citizen

These are too funny! I love stuff like this. Kinda like OverheardinNewYork.com.

Social Citizen

These are too funny! I love stuff like this. Kinda like OverheardinNewYork.com.

Wedding Italy

LOL, some of these are hysterical! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us :-)

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