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April 01, 2007



Thank you for doing such a right on review of my book! It means so much to me when someone actually reads the book and uses it and then talks about it, versus just using the copy on the back... not that I haven't done that before. (blushing here). This is what I love about your blog - the honesty and care you take. I do hope the ideas in the book have legs for you, lasting value. I love this book so much.
Thanks again Jory, Jen


AMEN to all that. Sounds like a very sensible book indeed.
Sometimes the small things just allow you to catch the breath and then let it flow down through the body - no need for the handflapping gesture, it's all in the mind.

I'm getting a great deal more now from sitting back and letting others make the running too - often they say most of the things I would have dried out saying anyway, and all I need to do is expand or develop a few points here and there, or better still, ask questions. (You get to drink your water, too.)
Great stuff, thanks Jory and Jennifer.


I understand exactly what you're saying. Since the birth of the little angel, my reading days have become reading hours, or even reading minutes, but ironically, now that I've only got minutes, I remember so much better what I've read. This post, for instance, will stick with me, because I haven't had time to read your blog in weeks, and this post really speaks to me.

This is modern life, unfortunately, but it is the only life we have.

Gandhi said, "there is more to life than speed." I try to live that.

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