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February 15, 2007



Jory, I hope this means that because I started late, I can retire later and still look okay because I have a blog:)


The sad fact is, in my recent bout of job-hunting, I couldn't use *any* of the "benefits" that might have accrued from my former blogging / podcasting / videoblogging. I had to hope that they wouldn't be found - but in one case, they were.

Mind you, I accept that I'm not (or wasn't, at least) a blogger who was trying to build a professional reputation through my blog.

It was a little like the old saw about not wanting to belong to a club that would have me as a member - a job that might see my former online efforts as a showcase wouldn't be a job that I'd be interested in. Go figure! ;)

Recruiting Animal

Jory, I left this comment for you on FC.

I'm a Jory fan. I might be the only recruiting blogger who has her in his blogroll and RSS feed. But she's full of it in this one.

1. If you put your resume online, it's still a resume.

2. There are a lot of blogs but very few people can write a good one on a regular basis. That's why what Jory does is what most people can't.

3. Jory sent out a lot of resumes and got nowhere. That only means that she used her resume in the wrong way.

Yeah, some companies will have executives or recruiters who frequent discussion groups and blogs on a regular basis getting to know the active participants. But most won't and, in the end, in spite of LinkedIn and blogs and online forums, most people are going to present themselves to a lot of strangers. And they'll need a profile to do that.

I'm a recruiter and if you don't have a resume, unless you're Jason Warner from Starbucks or Robert Scoble from Microsoft, every recruiter you meet is going to dismiss you, with good reason, as a putz.


I found your Fast Company piece an interesting read, but I'm with Recruiting Animal on this. I am fully a beneficiary of all that social networking and I get almost all of my work leads via personal contacts and word of mouth. But that doesn't supersede my need for a resume. All that internety goodness might get me an email exchange with someone I wouldn't otherwise get to talk to or a connection I wouldn't otherwise make, but these connections all culminate in the same way: I send a resume. The connections are certainly more personal - big bonus! - but employers still want to see what I can do and where I've done it.

YMMV, etc...

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