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December 28, 2005



Interesting post!


As always, you've made me think about priorities. I often have wished for a road plan or "recipe" for my career path. Yet I'm the same sort of cook that the B-friend is. Perhaps I should be balancing the two together and have a general idea of where I want to go and play the rest by ear.

Joy Des Jardins

The bottom line is...you've become a VERY good cook; and you've come up with an incredible secret sauce.


GREAT post, Jory. "Sure I WISHED for a fulfilling, successful path, but I never actually INTENDED one." I keep thinking that if I leave Dyer running on PBS long enough--without actually paying attention to what he's saying--that maybe I'll pick up some of it by osmosis. (A watched Dyer never boils...) :) This post reminds me of why I'm a crappy a) cook and b) job hunter. :)

Phil Gerbyshak

Very interesting post Jory. Lots to think about, and now I'm hungry. Thank you for the food and other thoughts.

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