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November 02, 2005


Lee White

Another point Mr. Drucker made about profit is that it primarily exists in order to sustain the operations of an organization. If you see profit as the end (profit maximization)and not the means, you move into that space of greed and corruption. Profit is not meant to be maximized (contrary to popular belief); it is meant to keep the cost of operations down.

On the other hand, if you make no profit, it takes a lot of effort to get the resources necessary to continue operations, ask anyone that runs a not-for-profit.

I agree with Rob, don't begrudge reasonable profit, it ensures that you can come back and play again tomorrow.


Organisations that can pay their way are often happier spaces, too. Profit should open up other opportunities for BlogHer, full credit to all three of you for getting it right first time around.
I've finally read your chapter in My Space, Jory. It was of a piece with everything I've found in your work here, but it also captures your pre-blogging life very clearly. Good luck with your new project, sounds exciting.


Instead of slashing our pay or merely patting us on the back for this competency, we'd prefer to get the proper credit.

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