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August 18, 2005


Joy DJ

Oh, my sweet baby....I can't even talk....I can barely see.
I guess we're even today! -Mom xo-

Joy DJ

Okay, I'm back. I had to regroup, leave you a message on your machine and toss the mound of kleenex off my desk. Taking me out of the equation here....this is a funny and beautifully written piece Jor....
-Mom xxx

Jason Siffring

Go for it Mom!

Koan Bremner

Take DJ Mummers out of the equation - why? Aren't you a key part of Jory's life? Isn't she the person she is (and whose work people like me love to read) due in no small part to you? You share yourself already, with a readership, through your comments here, and elsewhere (I trip over your comments everywhere!) - just take it a tiny step further and tell some stories in your own right. Pretty please?


Thanks, Jory. This was truly remarkable.

Joy DJ

Jason, thanks so much for cheering me on...so thoughtful of you.

And Koan, I'm so appreciative of those wonderful words of encouragement. If I close my eyes I can actually hear you saying them...you know I LOVE your voice. -Joy

Erin H.

Go for it, Mrs. DJ!!!! You have a lot to offer and a lot to share--the web would benefit from having more des Jardins on it.

Joy DJ

Hi Erin,
How are you sweetie? What a nice surprise to see your comment...thanks honey...Jory has been terrific. I just hope she doesn't have that moment of awakening.... (gulp) "What did I just bite off here? Chew Jory, chew." You and I both know her very well. It's not like she doesn't already have a full plate. -Mom DJ


Yay for daughter and mom blogging teams! I keep trying to convince my mom to start one of her own, too. She let me post something she wrote once, but otherwise so far has been too timid. Do it, Joy, please!

Joy DJ

Thank you Nina...it appears we're going to give it a shot....YIKES!

Jennifer Warwick

Yay! I didn't even know I was hoping for this, but when I read this story I got very, very happy. Jory, thanks for being willing to share your mom...and Mrs. DJ, thanks for being open to a new adventures. Can't wait to see what you write.

Joy DJ

What a GREAT cheerleader you are Jen. I hope I don't let you down...thanks for the boost! I just pray I don't suddenly turn incoherent! -Mrs. DJ xo


Monday?! Why the wait?! :)

Joy DJ

Hi Marilyn,

Well, we have to iron-out the logistics...you know...setting the site up, etc. Jory is calling me sometime this weekend to do that. I'm kind of organized...but not. We don't really even have a name yet. Jory's been asking me to get some things together, and yesterday I made a list of people for my blogroll. I hope you don't mind being on it. As a matter of fact, everyone who have commented on this post are on it...and quite a few more. Hope to be up and running soon. Thanks Marilyn. -Joy

Bob Patterson

This is the first time in my life I have participated in a blog. Joy has mentioned her daughter's blog a few times, but I never had the inclination to visit. Why now? No special reason, other than I have been thinking about your Mom a lot recently. She and I worked together at the Evanston office, and when she was let go I knew there would be several phases she would go through in finding her next steps. Now that it has been a while, I have been especially interested in those next steps. The first phases of grief/loss/whatdoIdonow, are over, and the longer haul of deciding how to run your life starts to set in. What happens to your Mom matters to me. A lot. I guess that is one feature of what makes up love. I know she has been stewing over what she should do for a JOB. In my way of thinking, her job is to be Joy. If the world was fair, she would get checks in the mail for just being Joy. I am hoping that in these next phases of her life, that she remembers that whatever she comes up with, is secondary to just being Joy. She has always been my Confidant, and I know many others feel the same way. I have told Joy before about Carlos Casteneda's reference to special people in your journey as "Warriors" and she is one of my Warriors. I love your Confidant, Bob

Joy DJ

My sweet Bob,

There's not a word I could type here that could possibly convey what I'm feeling right now...none.
Thank you is no where near it, but
that's all I can muster at the moment...you get me every time Robert. Love, Joy

Mary Cary

I would love nothing more than to see your mom's stories and thoughts regularly. I miss hearing them early in the mornings over a nice dish of candy at work. She's so wonderful at listening to others, and truly understanding what they're saying and how they're feeling. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, and more than anything, she makes me glad she's in my life. Come on Joyful...life's more fun if you take a few risks.

Joy DJ

MARY! Hi sweet face...

Yea, we sure have had some GRAND times haven't we...and will have a lot more. When is our next outing? We're getting very close...tonight or tomorrow, I think...Jory's been a brick! Thank you sweets...just for being YOU! -Joy xo

Troy Worman

If mom is still having reservations about starting her own blog, I am sure there are a couple of dozen fans that would be more than happy to give her guest blogger spots.


I am so sorry to be so trite, but what happened in the conversation with the childhood ex-boyfriend?

Reading these stories brings tears to my eyes. My mother passed away when I was twelve so I never had the chance to become close to her. I am so glad that you (Jory) have opportunity to bond with your mom and that you cherish this bond. If I ever have children, I hope to become the compassionate mother like Joy. I have to brush up on my listening skills and the detachment part!

Jory, I just love your eloquence. You have such a way of cutting to the quick of issues. You describe a complex situation is a short sentence and I find myself scratching my head thinking “Yea, that is the way I have felt. I never bothered putting it to words!”

As for you Joy, sounds like this is a shoe-in. I have a feeling that you will have a ton of readers. Put your in-tuned-ness to good work! You have wonderful gifts to share! ~Tracy

Bob Patterson

Thank you for the contact Jory. I would love to meet you sometime. Your mother has been so important to me, it would be nice to know the lucky daughter she has. Your blog is interesting, and I look forward to more of your articles and the discussions. Bob



Why did you do this to me? I came to your blog for some thoughtful laughs, and look at me know. I ran out of Klinex. My husband got really worried when I started sobbing (he doesn't mind tears so much).

Mothers and daughters. I wish I could feel, even for just a moment, the trust and connection you feel for your mom. You are a lucky gal.
But please stop making me crying that hard.
Thank you.

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