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July 18, 2005



Jory - Trackbacks on WordPress are a problem...Here is what I said on my other blog:

Pause and the Power of X
By rmiller on Leadership Brand

Jory des Jardins has a wonderful blog called Pause that I just love! She is chronicling her story of being a "soloist." I think it is a superb articulation of what she calls "life without a net" - the joys and perils of working for oneself. (There are so many things that she writes about that I can totally relate to given that I am in the midst of transitioning to the life of a "soloist.")

She is also a guest author this month at Corante’s FutureTense and is posting a series called The Power of the X Chromosome in the Workplace. Definitely worth checking out her funny yet sobering take and experience as a woman in leadership roles. Check it out and join the conversation!

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