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January 03, 2005



BAM!! Right on! I've been on a two year spiritual journey that has lead me to understand that my purpose is not to design, draw, paint, act, sing, or write... it is to inspire. Inspiration is the strategy of my purpose, the media are just tactics. I read this and was exhilirated because that's exactly the conclusion I've reached.


Ditto, Dustin; and Brava! Jory.

The challenge of corporate life: Nobody pays me to be a better me. The secret of corporation success? They pay me to be a better me, and I get to bring that person to work. We do a little splorin all the time on this topic over at fouroboros, come share yer thoughts.


gold maple leafs

Then, finally, I needed to turn off a“ subscription” on PayPal. Of course, I couldn’ t find it. I’ ll admit I only spent a few minutes looking. At this point, I was ready to call it quits. Screw PayPal. So, they present me with a list of reasons for leaving. I check a number of them (since they are very general). Oops, they will take only three. No problem, I check“ other” and try to explain it in their measly 1000- character limit. (Are characters suddenly so freaking expensive to store that they have to...

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