« From Here to Autonomy (Part II): The Do-ers, The Be-ers, and The Visionaries | Main | From Here to Autonomy (Part IV): Reading the Tea (or Tree) Leaves »

November 17, 2004


Joy DJ

WONDERFUL! This was a great series.....I totally related to what you had to say. Something I've told you for a very long time....you really are a fabulous communicator. M.


Poor Pokey, never gets referenced alongside Gumby. Perhaps as Pokey was the Do-er, and Gumby the Visionary. :-)


Jory, my children had a headmistress who insisted on the importance of "downtime" for kids so they learned to organise themselves to get something done independently - if that was what they wanted - or simply to learn how to wind themselves down without intervention!! or even to play (what an oldfashioned word). One of my sisters wants to teach kids relaxation - I think it's something kids should be able to teach us.

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