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October 30, 2004


Joy DJ

This is marvelous....and SO true. I just love what you say and how you say it...thanks. -Joy


Very true.


Yes, the 50 brickbats thing is a little too intense, I've always preferred Cher's classic barking "Snap out of it!" to Nicolas Cage in "Moonstruck" (accompanying face slap optional).

I can identify with your thinking re: your friend in a funk. There often does seem to be an implicit but counterproductive social code, protecting the "right" of people to go out for drinks is to vent and complain, not to be inconvenienced with actual solutions to their stated problems. She: "I hate my job!! Let's play darts and imagine the board is my boss's big round head." Me: "Well, have you thought about doing something else? I'd be glad to help." She: "Um, well, maybe, (cough), gee, it's getting late, maybe we should get the tab." A year later you run into same person, and play out the exact same conversation, same job, same boss, same allegedly big round head completely devastating her life, hopes and dreams.

There's nothing wrong with a little commiseration, but if that's all our conversations and friendships offer, we're missing out on some potentially meaningful sustenance. So I agree with you, we can all benefit from an occasional, compassionate "Snap out of it!"

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